image of of man and woman running in 10k run Salisbury

Some of you might remember our news last summer that Monica Walsh, one of the Listen Committee members, jumped out of a plane in aid of the British Liver Trust, having had it postponed from the previous year.

This year, Monica is attempting a 10k run on 12 June, in aid of Cancer Research UK and hopes as many people as possible will sponsor her in this great cause – she would appreciate your donation, no matter how small.

Here is what Monica has to say:   . . . .

Back in 2019, two years after my transplant, I completed the 5k Race for Life along with a dear friend, in aid of Cancer Research UK and felt a real sense of achievement.

And of course in 2021 I jumped out of a plane for the British Liver Trust

images of man and woman skydiving

Fast forward to 2022 .

Earlier this year, I received the amazing news that, after five years, my cancer is now deemed as cured.  Having reached this milestone and realised how fortunate I am, I decided to enter this year’s 10k Race for Life, alongside another friend in a similar position.  I hope to raise as much money as I can for a cause that will always be very close to my heart.

Please help in any way you can – to all those kind enough to donate, a heartfelt thank you from both of us.