
Stay up to date with upcoming LISTEN meetings and related events

LISTEN Group Meetings (via Zoom until further notice)

Monday 15th April 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Miriam Cortes, Adult and Paediatric Transplant Surgeon

Topic: Liver perfusion to optimise available organs

Meeting Information:

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 20th May 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr. Danae Trokoudes, Specialist Registrar – Dermatology

Topic:  Skin care after Transplant

Meeting Information:

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 17th June 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Shapna Shah, Consultant Nephrologist Kings.

Topic:  Renal dysfunction post liver transplantation

Meeting Information:

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 15th July 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Yooyun Chung, Clinical fellow

Topic:  Fertility and pregnancy after Liver transplantation

Meeting Information:

Please note there is no meeting in August.

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 16th September 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Deepak Joshi, Consultant Hepatologist, Young Adults Team, Kings

Topic:  Introduction to the Young Adult Liver Service

Meeting Information:

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 21st October 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Kate Polling, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Kings

Topic:  Mental Health and transplant

Meeting Information:

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Monday 18th November 2024

Time: 14:00 via Zoom

Speaker:  Dr Lisa Long, Consultant Obstetrician, Kings

Topic:  Sexual Health and transplant

Meeting Information:

Please note there is no meeting in December.

Invitations are sent to Listen members to register for the meeting. The link for the meeting will be sent a few days in advance. For further information contact

For further information on Zoom and how Listen uses it please visit the article here.

Speakers are subject to change due to unforeseen operational reasons.

Related Events

More events coming soon…

Meetings & Events FAQs

How can I join a Listen Group Zoom meeting?

Listen Members will be sent an email invitation two or three weeks before each meeting and will need to reply to register for the event.  For security reasons only those registered will be admitted to the meeting.  Knowing numbers in advance also helps the Committee plan the structure of the meeting around expected numbers.

Non members can join using the Membership Form and will then receive emails.

Are meetings recorded and if so how can I access recordings?

Meetings are recorded if the speaker gives permission for Listen to do
so.  Only the formal talk is recorded.  This is then made available only
to Listen members (via email with password protection) and is not put
into the public domain.   Recordings can be viewed for one month after
the event.  This process will be reviewed dependent on experience.

I’ve never used anything like Zoom before and I’m uncomfortable trying it. What can I do?

The Committee is happy to run an informal “awareness” session prior to each meeting if there is demand. We want to include as many people as possible.  Its not as scary as you think, as many of our members will testify. All you need is a PC, tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. Contact to find out more.

Can anyone attend these meetings?

No, they are for Listen Members at Kings. Find the Membership Form here.

What happens at the meetings?

So far we have had a session by a speaker, usually from Kings and occasionally from an outside organisation.  This is then followed by splitting the session into small groups within the online meeting for a more personal discussion, enabled by a facilitator who is either a Kings Mentor or a Listen Committee member.  We shall be developing this format dependent on experience.

Will I be able to ask questions at meetings?

In the formal speaker session, this will depend on the nature of the subject.  Often we will collect questions in advance which will be put to the speaker on your behalf.  If appropriate and if there is time, we might then open up for live questions through the “chat” facility within the meeting.

Who chooses the topics for talks in Listen Meetings?

The Listen Committee, in conjunction with the Specialist Social Worker, who arranges for Kings experts and sometimes external speakers.

Can I choose a topic for the Listen Meeting?

Of course, the Committee welcomes suggestions from Members and will do what they can to accommodate them.  In the past, at the November Group “Christmas get together” has included a session where everyone reviews Group Meetings over the year and makes their suggestions as to what might be included in the following year’s Group Meetings.  We can now think about doing this during our Zoom meetings.  In the meantime, if you have a suggestion, please contact

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